Dear Mama J


Dear Mama J

Why do we have to have Daylight Savings Time ?? I don’t like it at all. My body is out of sync for weeks after each change.  Glad I don’t have to work a real job anymore because that was even worse. I could say more, but I am already tired of talking about it.


Dear I Hate Daylight Savings,

I see that we are having the time change next WEEK! Yikes.  I agree. Our bodies don’t like this time change at all!  The American Medical Association and American Academy of Sleep Medicine agree with us. They recommend staying on Standard Time. “Standard Time year-round aligns better with the sun and human biology for more consistent sleep.” (Good news is that we aren’t imagining our symptoms)

Here are some suggestions that may help. 

(I think this could be hard for me) Try going to bed 15-20 minutes earlier for several nights BEFORE the time changes. Wake up an hour earlier for that week also. Get some Vitamin D from the morning sunshine the first week of DAYLIGHT SAVINGS time. If you are able you may try eating earlier. Napping, caffeine and of course our devices at night will make it harder to adjust. 

I did think it was interesting to read what Daylight Savings does to our body rhythms. I remember when I worked I would be a wreck. Interesting though, I’m a night shift employee and the time change didn’t seem to bother me as much. First shift work was always difficult.

Good luck. Try the tips. Sweet dreams I hope. 

Love Mama J


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