Dear Mama J


Dear Mama J,

I planned well for retirement. In addition to Social Security, I had other retirement accounts to supplement it. 

During COVID, we learned how woefully behind the Kansas computer systems and call centers were.  Unemployment erred and cut off my claim. I called without getting through. I emailed, wrote letters, and still have a signed Certified Mail receipt from my last letter.

Despite these attempts, I never heard a word from them. Not one. I had to cash in  my retirement accounts to live on. Today, I live solely on Social Security in poverty.

Once the bills are paid, there’s almost nothing left. My bills are utilities, insurance, medicines, and one credit card with about $3000 balance. No mortgage, thank God.

I stand in food lines twice a week for food. As my friends retire, they invite me out to dinner or to take vacations together – that was the original plan! I have to decline with some sort of excuse. It makes me sad and resentful that the twilight of my life will be spent watching every penny, while friends are taking advantage of everything life has to offer. I am just existing from one day to the next.

I was unable to find a lawyer who would sue the state to get my retirement money back. I think I have a good case, yet no takers. 

Mama J, I have two questions. Does anyone know a lawyer who would take this up? And two, how do I shed this resentment and disappointment so I can live rather than exist? I have tried volunteering, gratefulness journals…stuff like that. They help only temporarily. Any thoughts?

Nightmare on Retirement Street

Dear Nightmare,

What a horrible story. I looked up some articles regarding your issue. I’m thinking you may have done this but here is one organization. National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators. That might be another option if you haven’t tried it. Your money has to be somewhere. It sounds like you know your way around government agencies.

I have terrible anxiety about financial insecurity at this age. It ’s very sad what happened to you. Standing in foodlines and denying yourself special occasions with friends is not good for your emotional health. Maybe it’s time to go after your funds again. The state has had time to recover from COVID by now. I feel like it’s a good time to try it even though I’m sure it’s a real pain. 

Living with resentment and disappointment is horrible for your mental wellness. It could keep you away wanting to pursue your money again. Volunteering and grateful journals for something this significant is only putting on  a band aid. I feel if I was in your shoes I would get a job, at least part-time. I really like my 20 hour week job.  

I hope some of these ideas help. I hope you can get back on firmer ground. 

Love Mama J


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