Dear Mama J


Dear Mama Jay

We had a blizzard last month. I appreciate everything the county and city does for our streets but…the  blizzard made my life very difficult. The city plowed the roads knee deep and blocked my driveway. I’m a 60 year old woman and not in great health. It took me 2 days of shoveling to get out. I missed 2 days of work. On day 3 they plowed again and I couldn’t get in my drivewayI  when I got home from work. I had to park my car in the middle lane and shovel again. I appreciate they were doing their job but blocking my driveway and thousands of others was so wrong!

Snow Plowed In

Dear Snow Plowed In, 

We had a blizzard in our area this month and had the same issue!! We also had difficulty. It was difficult to get out even though we weren’t blocked. The snow was very hard and even a little drift could be an issue.  Neither of us are able to shovel and were snowed in for 2 days.

Fighting city hall is difficult. There were so many complaints and mad citizens. I looked up some news articles about the difficulties for snow plows during that storm. I was shocked to see that there were only 21 plows and 6 contracted trucks for the entire city. That doesn’t seem like enough. The crews were working 12 hour shifts. What was so bothersome were the blocked driveways.  

I’m assuming your place of work was understanding when you missed work. Not all employees get their time off paid for. Many of the employees where I work missed work because of the storm.  

I believe we need to understand that this was a big storm for this town. The snow was very dense and we did not get any melting due to the frigid temps. We need to all vent about it, but also remember that everyone was doing the best they could. 

I am really sorry this was so hard for you and FRUSTRATING!! Let’s hope this doesn’t happen again this year. The city should have a better plan if we are hit by this again in years to come. I wonder if they could have more contracted trucks?? 

Do you have anyone that you could call if this happens again? I wonder if co-workers could have a plan to help each other out. I’m going to have my grandsons on speed dial!!

Let’s hope winter is over for this year!!

Love Mama Jay


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