City Council Meeting on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

Woman in Black Blazer Holding White Note pad by cottonbro studio
Woman in Black Blazer Holding White Note pad by cottonbro studio

The upcoming Topeka city council meeting on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 has a discussion item that no
citizen will want to miss. Below is a snapshot of the agenda. For a complete overview you can go to the city
website by clicking here. If you click on an agenda item it will open a page with more details about that item
along with pdf’s of supporting documents or presentations.
The meeting begins after the Mayor calls the meeting to order at 6:00pm, a council member who was
previously designated to be in charge of the invocation will introduce their guest. This is then followed by the
pledge of allegiance and roll call of present council members (this can include present by Zoom).

  1. APPOINTMENTS: There are a series of Boards and Commissions with the city that provide valuable input
    back to the governing body. Some require a nomination by a council member or mayor while others are
    applications for citizens to fill out and then the council votes on their appointment. You can find out about each
    of the Boards and Commissions along with the application form here.
    A. Board Appointment – Human Relations Commission: Zachary Surritt (Council District No. 6)
    B. Board Appointment – Downtown Business Improvement District Advisory Board: Gary Piland (Council
    District No. 1)
  2. PRESENTATIONS: Sometimes the Governing Body will have presentations about events, projects, or
    programs which also allows them to ask questions for a better understanding.
    ● 2025 Snow Event
    ● Polk-Quincy Viaduct Project Update
  3. CONSENT AGENDA: These items should require very little discussion because council members will have
    had information to review prior to the meeting and often have had a lot of discussion prior to this vote. This
    allows for things to be voted on quickly without taking much time during the public meeting.
    A. Professional Engineering Contract Amendment – between the City of Topeka and Cook, Flatt and
    Strobel Engineers, P.A., for providing construction inspection and administration services for a total not-
    to-exceed amount of $99,000. Project will run parallel to NW Reo, extending from the west side of NW
    Topeka Boulevard.
    B. MINUTES of the regular meeting of January 21, 2025
    C. APPLICATIONS: None to consider
  4. ACTION ITEMS: These items have had previous discussions and are ready to be voted on for final approval
    by the governing body. There are certain items that the Mayor cannot vote on and certain items that he has
    veto authority. These are outlined in the city code. There are also different thresholds required for the number
    of votes required to pass. The complete agenda will have these details for citizens.
    A. Ordinance – Camping Prohibitions
    ORDINANCE introduced by Councilmember Valdivia-Alcala and Councilmember Dobler concerning camping
    prohibitions amending Sections 9.45.350 and 9.45.360 of the Topeka Municipal Code. (The proposed
    ordinance involves a matter of home rule on which the Mayor has veto authority)
    Voting Requirement: Action requires five (5) votes of the City Council. The Mayor does not vote.
    (Approval will expand the definition of public infrastructure and clarify parameters for camping on private
  5. NON-ACTION ITEMS: These items are not voted on during the council meeting. They are often the first
    introduction of something or an item that may require more discussion and tweaking before council would
    make their final vote.
    A. Discussion – SW Huntoon Street Reconstruction Project Design: Contract Amendment for the SW
    Huntoon Street, Street Design Project from Gage Boulevard to Harrison Street. (Project No. 701028.00)
    (Staff is seeking direction from the Governing Body on scope of consulting services set forth in the
    design contract amendment for the SW Huntoon Street Improvement Project.)

B. Discussion – Sales Tax Resolution HERE IS THE VERY IMPORTANT DISCUSSION!
The agenda reads:
“DISCUSSION concerning the proposition of levying an additional special purpose citywide retailers’ sales tax
of five-tenths of one percent (0.5%) for the purpose of providing essential public safety that ensures a vibrant
and healthy community, for sustainable solutions to increase availability of affordable housing, and to
effectively combat homelessness with multifaceted solutions.
(If the proposed resolution is approved, a special question mail ballot election shall be held in the manner
prescribed by law on April 28, 2025, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the City of Topeka, Kansas,
the question of levying an additional citywide special purpose retailers’ sales tax in the amount of five-tenths of
one percent (0.5%) to provide essential public safety that ensures a vibrant and healthy community, for
sustainable solutions to increase availability of affordable housing, and to effectively combat homelessness
with multifaceted solutions. Sales tax shall take effect on October 1, 2025, and expire October 1, 2035.)”
The City of Topeka is looking at a budget deficit beginning next year. They have held public budget meetings
over the last several months explaining it in more detail to the public and have asked for input. There are
incidental cost increases that add up, but the largest contributor was the contract approval with police
department negotiators that includes a salary increase starting this year of 17% and then 5% in 2026 and 5%
in 2027. This adds a total of about $9 million to our city’s costs that was not budgeted for. The police
department currently receives about 42% of the entire city general fund budget which is funded by our tax
dollars. Additionally, they receive funding from other sources of revenue in the budget.
Originally this sales tax vote was slated to be two separate votes on the ballot-one for ½ cent increase to fund
the police department and fire departments salary and the other would be ½ cent increase to fund social
services such as housing, mental health, social service grants and such. The decision to combine into one vote
as an all or none was made this past week and will be presented to the council. In order to meet the deadline
for voting laws, the council will make their final approval at the February 11th meeting. This has been heavily
discussed and citizens have spoken at public comment as early as last September on the topic.

  1. PUBLIC COMMENT: Anyone can request to speak under any agenda item if it pertains to that topic. If you
    have general concerns, the end of the open meeting is where public comments can take place. You are
    provided 4 minutes to address the governing body. As a reminder, you must sign up before 5:00pm the day of
    the council meeting by calling the City Clerk’s Office at 785-368-3940 or via email at [email protected]. You
    may also request a Zoom link or submit a written statement.
  2. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The open meeting ends with each council member having the opportunity to provide
    any comments or announcements they want citizens to know.
    Executive Sessions are closed meetings that are scheduled if there are personnel matters, considerations of
    acquisition of property for public purposes, potential or pending litigation in which the city has an interest,
    employer-employee negotiations for example. These are done in private and not recorded for public viewing.
    The meeting officially adjourns once the council has resolved all agenda items.
    Council Chambers are located at 214 SE 8th St. at the same building as TPAC. The entrance is facing south at
    the east end of the building. You will pass through a security check once you enter. Remember, your voice and
    your presence are powerful!
    In solidarity,
    Danielle Twemlow, Consultant
    Host of Kansas TRUE podcast


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